Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Itsy Bitsy

I've been growing a garden!!!!
I mentioned it a while ago
but after I planted the veggies, then weeds began to grow. 
I didn't feel like showing my wonderful weed garden...

but lately I've been trying super hard to weed out the.. weeds. 
I've been working hours and hours and almost filled up our big trash can of them this week alone. 
But in weeding the weeds
I got a fun glance at how adorable a baby watermellon is
and the rest of our plants as well. 
so this is a close up but in real life this is the size of a quarter around and the one next to is is the size of porter's fingernail
This is a pumpkin :) it's huge
not tiny
like beach ball sized :)
 Hey look banana Peppers!!!!
all those, those are roma tomatoes :)
there are a ZILLION on that plant alone
there's some ripe romas
Big Boy tomatoes
 This is our apple tree :) it's full and gorgeous and falling over cause it's so heavy
we have a giant grape vine along our fence
and last but not least
these are my legs after weeding for an hour. 
dirty and tan :) mmm

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mouth Waving and a bit of a mouthgasm

So since I like to end on a perfect note I usually end with porter stories and pictures... 
today I'm going to still do that but I almost didn't because the 3 things I have to say were all such an awesome tie :)

Yesterday was a blast!
We had Weston and Bexi Over to congratulate them because they're having a baby!! 
Weston and my drewface have been super good friends since high school. which they did not go to together. They both were leaders at a scout camp and actually didn't like each other at all but were forced to share a tent. duh duh duh. 
then, just like a romantic comedy they started liking each other, had fights but ended up living happily ever after.

I love bexi because seriously she's this tiny sweet little thing with this hidden spunk and she's so so so funny!
I love her :)

It was so much fun and honestly it's so nice since the drewface is super antisocial...but he has only a few people he willingly complaisantly will spend time with.
I on the other hand will talk to anyone for hours on end. I like to make lots of friends and they all mean the world to me. 

So before they came over yesterday I made Oreo truffles for tonight's gathering with the in-laws. 
It's really that I wanted an excuse to make them... but hey it works as long as they don't down alll of them before I get a chance to eat some as well.
It's a super simple recipie that I got from my friend Britt at my other friend Bonnie's baby shower. 
1 Package Oreos
1 Package Cream Cheese
 ( I used about a pound or maybe a tiny bit more) White Chocolate Bark
 So you mash up the oreos... (to tell you the honest to goodness truth I tried this for ages and then used the blender. the only problem is it only blends the stuff you have at the bottom so you're constantly stirring but see I got my timing off somehow and ended up loosing a chunk of spoon in the mix... I DID FIND IT. I just would suggest you be more careful than me..)
 Then you mix it in with the cream cheese
(again I made a giant mistake.. I tried to do this by hand.. It works much better and much faster if you have a kitchenaid and just throw it in there with the cookie batter attachment and slowly up the speed until you have this awesome oily moldable mixture)
You roll them in balls, put them on wax paper tin foil and then roll them in the melted white chocolate and place them back on paper/foil
 mmm melted white chocolate
 Then yo put them in the fridge and yey there you go! (mine don't exactly look pretty but hey they taste awesome)

Then there's porter boy. 
(I have like 2 more things to blog but that'd be overkill so I"ll do it tomorrow)
Ports has been doing the funniest thing the last like 2 days. 
he puts the back of his hand to his mouth and like.. I guess you'd call it waving...
he waves

it acomplishes one of two things. 
One ... it's hillarious..
Two.. If he is making noise he can make that buh-buh-buh-buh noise
(I'm going to say like a native american in interest of sounding politically correct..but probably still being offensive...)
it's super funny. 
we just laugh at him when he does it .. besides when he does it when he's eating because then he gets food EVERYWHERE

It's much harder to get a picture of it than you'd think.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


Ha I totally baked today and not something out of a mix or something I normally Bake. I am so proud to say that I made a Red Velvet Cake today from scratch. With butter cream frosting from scratch.
Heck yes. 
be proud. 

Freak yes that cake was delicious!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Books and Usu Parties

Man we've been pretty busy lately and it's basically been a blast! Usu had it's championship game on saturday night so we tried to throw a mini party with his family and his friends and some of our friends. I went food crazy that night. i mean i made a cake, cookies(he made cookies sorry), a Mexican layered dip and my family recipie of clam dip. this clam dip is AMAZING for those of you who have never had it. it was my great grandma's and we looked forward to every family get together just so we could have it and i know it doesn't sound amazing especially if you don't like clams but it really is astounding and you don't even notice the clams at all. We may have lost the game :( but we still made it into the NCAA Bracket an it was fun hanging out! Drew even got a cute picture of me and aspen watching tv :)
These are the cookies and my wonderful 2 layer cake
The Mexican Layer Dip
Drew and Matt doing their Pre Ncaa bracket
Me and Aspen watching Fnding Nemo after the game

Now. We went to the zoo with our Dear friends Stu & Janae and their son Josh
He had fun but I didn't get too many pictures so here's the 2 I have from that.

Lastly, I must must tell you about this store!!!
ok. Guess just guess how much we paid for all of these books !
I'm serious don't look until you have a guess in your mind!

Are you Ready for this??

Seven dollars!
Serious! they have a new book  depot in logan/providence area that you can fill a shopping bag up with books for 7 dollars!
 I'm actually so in love that drew and i have sworn to tell everyone about them!
It's called Jensen books  it's at 1766 S. 400 W.  you go south on main, take the right fork like you were headed to salt lake, turn left at the light where if you turn right it would be 600 west but turn LEFT
then when you see SEI on your right turn it's around the back of pallets of utah. i know it's confusing but it's sooo worth it when you find it. the number is 435-753-5367 in case you want better directions.

i know that was weird and stupid for me to promote them but honestly it's suuuch a good deal i mean we now have a whole library for the baby off of 7 dollars!
well that's it for us. . . Sorry we're horrible at writing lately, it's sad when i do the weekly baby blog more than what's happning with just me and drew

sorry for those who read the baby blog to hear a repeat but I love that this happened! drew and I felt the baby kick at 16 weeks and 4 days! I'd started feeling baby move at 16 weeks and then a few days later i had my hand on my tummy and just felt this BAM on my hand. I shouted "what the heck?" so drew was like let me see if i can feel it, so he put his hand there and pushed a little bit so he could feel a little better. lo and behold in the same spot there was another BAM that really litterally felt like someone (of regular size) had just poked me from inside my tummy. I got one more later on but man it must have just been pure luck that we were holding still at that time because it was soo much fun!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Oh the Fun We Have!!

Isn't she adorable?

sorry. I have no child. so I use my Motherly excitedness on my niece. she's flipping adorable though so i have a real excuse.

So Drew had his Mission reunion on Thursday night so we went down to salt lake to go to that and for about an hour i was able to go visit my family! I haven't seen my mom and grandma for ages and it felt so so so good just to sit in my old house and talk.
They actually gave me some news the week before they actually got a dog!
my mom's aunt's neighbour had him but they weren't home often enough to let him out so they decided to give him away. my mom being a stay at home mother has plenty of opportunities to let him out agreed to take him!
His name was toby but seeing as how that's my little brother's name that had to change.
so meet Rusty.

He's a shitzu and is so freaking cute! funny looking as all of his breed are, but still adorable. He picked up on my inner love right away and wouldn't stay away from me and drew! so so cute!
so we decided to take mini family photos. but i took drew's and he took mine :)
I love this dog already.

Well after an hour of playing with him and watching him run around and around and around we headed off to the mission reunion!

Drew had so much fun and it was crazy how many people were there! I got to meet his Mission President who actually was called to be a member of the 70 a bit after drew got home!
maybe some of you remember the talk he gave in confrence back in april of 2009
he was the one who gave the talk that mentioned the GPS :)
he's a good guy.
Plus drew got to see a ton of old mission buddies! A bunch of people didn't come though since it was on a thursday so he was bummed about that but he did love spending time with the guys he did know!
and like he puts it... now he has 2 new xbox live friends ha ha
I also met the wifeof elder stott when drew and i were first dating and she was about to pop with baby:) since then obviously she's had her adorable daughter Abigail and oh my heavens was she funny! she tottered around in her adorable dress and captured the hearts of every one there!

I actually ran into a few cute people from school and Jessica Reese and I actually talked about Abigail's dress and how they should make the baby clothes (the cute stuff) in adult sizes. I mean seriously I would hands down wear this dress!!

Later on in the week. I believe it was Friday. We Decided to make cookies! so i called up my mom and got the sugar cookie recipie that i love and we made haloween cookies. Drew's now taken the remaining to work but we brought them to our neighbours a few doors down. they have 2 little girls that are always sitting at the window so everytime we leave or come home, or even take out the garbage they're just there waving :)
so we made cookies for them!
here's my professional rolling and cutting job

and with our combined efforts i think the cookies turned out pretty good looking!
although the witches DO look like they have a moustache instead of it just being their mouth...

confrence was amazing. can i just throw that in there?
I love confrence. and although i've had a bit of a hard time getting used to the fact that
Thomas S. Monson is our prophet not just an appostle, I'm warming up to him more and more every day!
Much love!
(and warm fuzzies)

Friday, September 11, 2009


what is wrong with me i go too long between posts and then i can't even recall what's gone on! well we got bananas and made tonz of banana bread! i was going to make so much more but then we found out that a few had gone through small hole in the bottom of the box and were of course mashed (as bananas like to get) and then they rotted and left a ton of crap wherever we set the box and it made the bottom soggy so we just threw out the remaining 20 bananas we had left.

yes. after everything we still had 20 or more bananas left :)

Since i'm super not organized i'm only posting 2 pictures

one is new

drew, preston, and i went 4 wheeling up blacksmith fork and there is this super rocky patch and i got off and took a bunch of pictures of it! man i'll have to post more later because freak i'm so good at taking pictures :) but this one is drew's favorite where one of his wheels is, yes, out in the air.

can you believe how crazy that boy is?? man i would have loved to drive it myself but i don't know how to handle them that well yet :) plus i'm still a little baby when it comes to them. i prefer not to drive on trails i don't know. you know it happens after you fall off the 4 wheeler while it's moving and you're driving. preston said i looked like a rag doll doing summersaults.

also i am excited i may possibly get to hang out with the howe family. I met the husband craig from western wats and have heard about his cute wife and since i have maybe one or two friends here in logan, i want to have more. although i have to admit we probably won't get to hang out much because she's about to POP! she i guess has always had premature babies and at 35 weeks is at the longest she's ever been prego. (she has 2 adorable kiddies)

it's been especially hard these last few weeks realizing how few of people i'm able to call on when i have nothing to do. everyone has their own lives and they don't seem to really like to include me in them. Through high school i always had a problem with having friends and i loved that the last 2 years it's been improving so well. but it seems like since january or so maybe even a little longer i've been realizing that i'm going back to the days i have nightmares about. needless to say it's been very hard on me.

well on a happier note i'm going to peach days this weekend! Drew has a work party and then afterwards we're heading down to brigham city and going to peach days!! yummm peach cobbler!!!

well here's a pic from the last photoshoot we did with bre. because they're gorgeous.

and i will end with that :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

bloggy blog blog

I love blogging. i wish i could just sit and do it all day every day. ha ha ha :)
i love sharing about our cute little life together and all of our adventures!

well... hmm. first things first drew went on his little backpacking trip and left me home to mope alone :( but he came home and has been trying to make up for the time so that's been good. i dont' know exactly where his pictures are right now... i'll maybe possibly post them later

next. well um.. yesterday. we went Bananas

Maceys here in logan is having "the biggest banana display in the world" with 66,000 lbs. of bananas.
so we of course are dumb and bought a giant box full of them!!

ha ha it's all we'll be eating for the next few days :)

but good news!
i am going to have lots of banana bread and i learned how to make a carmel banana glaze for ice cream splits!

Next story.
yesterday as well Drew and I took some pictures with Bre. we couldn't find her camera so she had to make do with mine and mindy's (after my camera died because we hadn't charged it since the backpacking trip) camera's instead.

next week possibly we may be taking more because we lost light and bre said she wanted to do more things. since we're so cute she loves taking pictures of us jk.

the link to the good ones we have thus far (it should also work when we eventually take more as well)

it should work :) and it's a lot less work for me to put all of them up here

one more thing i have to brag about how cute he is.

i read a parents magazine and while yes i am in love with babies i will make it clear that we are not planning or trying for a while! ANYWAYS I read the magazine and fell in love with it and begged drew to let me get a subscription (it was only 12 dollars for three years!!! it's a steal!) and he kept telling me maybe in a few weeks after the bills had been paid. i agreed and got on his back a few more times for fun. well today, he revealed that the reason i couldn't sign up to get it, is because he already did for us! awww!!!

he's so cute
i love him.

he should be home from work any minute too so i'm off!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lasagna Dinner :)

Well! we've officially used the cooking pan I've been dying to use ever since we got it! My adorable friend kylee gave them to us and it was exactly the dish we needed to make what we've both been craving for ages! so I took pictures!

This is the cute pan! We have a bigger one but we didn't even finish the whole thing from this little one :)

Drew was so cute he put on the apron he brought home from his mission (it even says elder whiteley on it !!) This probably had me the most worried about the recipe. take cottage cheese and crack a raw egg and then add cheese and stir. I know the oven cooked it through but geeze... it looks grody.
Look at him just Lay those noodles it looked so so yummy!! and then Voila!!! We had Delicious yummy Lasagna :) Go Us!!
Sorry I didn't write a whole ton... I was just excited about last nights dinner :)
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