Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oh Poop...

Today I was at the Inlaw's just relaxing watching porter crawl all over. 
I like to think I keep a pretty good watch on him 
(here comes a cliche sentence)
I took my eyes off him for one minute today
because he was chewing on a remote
the next thing I know I see the remote on the floor beside him with only one battery in it and porter gagging while chewing on something
I basically transport over there
to find he was NOT chewing on a battery.
I felt like I was in one of those car accident moments
you know where everything in those fractions of a second seem like a minute each while you process what it happening?
well I saw something in his hand
then I looked to the floor and realized 
He had finished off half a dog turd.

one of the family dogs had pooped in this little corner where no one saw it
and porter being himself...
picked it up and ATE IT!

I ran him to the sink and started trying to wash out his mouth 
almost puking the whole time
I kept getting water in my hand 
sweeping it in his mouth and repeating
his first tooth broke about 2 days ago by the way
and it hurts like mad when he chomps down on my frantic finger....

he puked the rest of it up through the rest of the day

and when it came time to go home I descovered Drew had taken the car seat with him to work
So we used a spare one my MIL had
It was sized way to small so I spent 10 minutes fixing that
Then when I got home I was locked out, went to ask my landlord across the street if he had a spare and realized that my rent was due
It's all taken care of now though.
and honestly all in all it was a pretty good day
but I will admit...
it was a little poopy.
(I know bad pun)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh!! i think this is actually worse than my story!


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