Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weight Just a Minute!

Blah I tried to write this about 3 times already and it just comes out sounding fine but not really getting out the message I want to ...well, get out. 
So here it goes... again
I am a full time breastfeeding mommy and I love it. I am not against formula but I Just always wanted to be able to say that I was one of those women who did it for the whole first year. 
After that i'll leave the job to a real cow :) 
When he was born our little guy was a plump 8lbs 3 oz and I loved it. 
I love chunky babies with my whole heart.
The round faces, 
the plump little fingers (I'm obsessed with hands..) 
the rollie pollie stomach.. mmm it's amazing and so fun to give raspberries on.
He did great and gained weight really well so I thought I was doing a great job
but then one day he just decided to stop right where he was at. 
from 2-4months he gained .65 lbs. Yeah. 
not healthy. 
So I worried that I was going to be forced to stop breastfeeding and have to go to formula. 
The doctor said not to stop, but to start him on solids as well as up the number of feedings.
I did that and when we came back in a few weeks later for a weigh in, he'd gained but only a little. 
It was enough for the doctor to let me keep going but he's still not gaining weight the way I want..
See I've also had a bunch of people say "well my baby was off the chart the whole time and they always told me they were too small but I just have small babies and they're fine." well fine good for you.. but MY baby wasn't small, he was big and then he didn't grow. see that is bad. 
if porter had always been small i'd be much more ok with the fact.. but he wasn't so i'm not. 
So my family went on some tangent that I'm letting my want to keep breastfeeding get in the way with his health. which may be a little true...
What I've started doing is I feed him from me, but then I also have a bottle made up for him so when he doesn't eat very much from me (like he's been doing lately....  he's so facinated by the world around him that he won't stay latched anymore) He will eat from the bottle so he gets nutrition in his little brain so it can GROOOOWWWW :) 
It's been working good and honestly he feels much heavier now that I've been doing that. 
Plus I just weighed him  and it looks like he's been gaining weight too!
soooo I guess I'm actually considering just feeding him the bottle since he rarely eats a full meal from me anyways... boo. I'm Debby downer in this post but I'm torn and I'd really like some opinions. No meanies please but I do want to hear from you!
Ps. NO pictures today since drewface took the camera off traipsing through the mountains to find Deer antlers.... yeah.. I'll make a post about it later :) I love a crazy man.

1 comment:

  1. Sam, Don't be too hard on yourself. I wanted to be one of those mom's too. I told you Sunday that my little guy was a 10 pounder at birth. Well he did great for a few months too and then didn't gain as much as I thought he should either. The longest I was able to breastfeed was about 6 months and that was pushing it. With my last I ended up losing my milk around 3 months. And to tell you the truth, that's probably about the time I started losing it with the first two I breastfed and didn't realize it. I say, if you want to keep breastfeeding full time you might want to talk to a lactation specialist for some ideas (if you haven't already). I tried doing the nurse and then bottle, but it got tiring after awhile and your milk will start to dry up unless you can pump the rest out. Even if you're not able to breastfeed the whole first year, you shouldn't feel bad. You're obviously doing a great job with him and want what's best for him. He's a handsome little guy and he's lucky to have you as his mom!
    It was great seeing you on Sunday!
    JaNean Nelson


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