Tuesday, March 9, 2010

16 Weeks

Wow what a flipping week it has been. Basically horrible.. :( i shouldn't complain but I feel like whining a little bit.  So the whole last week has been filled wih me getting sick. I was stomach sick, then i had bad heartburn, then on sunday... oh. my. flip. i woke up and i can't tell you really what happened. all of a sudden my back on the left side just started hurting, then rapidly it just got worse. and then worse. and then even worse. I was seriously just laying in bed wriggling my legs around crying and whining because it felt like someone was stabbing me in the back. Drew massaged my back but that only stopped it for about 30 seconds and then it hit even harder. the only thing that made it even a little better is a hot bath which never lasted.
So drew had to take off to work and eventually he got so worried that he had his sister come and get me and take me to his parents' house so  wouldn't be home alone. It eventually got worse and worse. His mom went to take me to insta care but not before I got a blessing from drew's dad and uncle. Honestly I don't know how i would have survived without that blessing. It said that the baby and I would be fine when it was all over and that things would get better. so when we got to logan, insta care was closed, but i felt like i could handle a night more. I took some benadryll to sleep and went into the doctors monday  morning. The cute nurse practitioner that i saw said that either it was a kidney stone that i passed or i pulled a muscle/ligament in my back plus on top of one of those i have a uti. woo. so. i'm still sore but i'm on ibprofin and have a constant heating pad on my back.
Wonderful drew has been great (minus the part where i needed to go to insta care he was super money worried becasue our insurance doesn't cover it but that was over soon) and he has cleaned the whole house and been wonderful to keep checking up on me to see if i'm ok.

My belly is huge for me.. if you look you may see a tiny pooch that looks normal for most people but really i feel huge. i mean my belly button i already turning into a half outie and it's not a circle anymore... :( but i guess it's good that i'm growing although i looked at how small i am...how the heck am i really going to fit a 7 pound baby in my stomach. not to mention the fact that i got to hold a new baby today i forgot how wiggly those cute little things are! although it freaked me a little.

sorry this is forever long...

well i'll move on to that cute little baby in my stomach.
16 weeks - we're to the size of an avacado which is 4.6 inches long and that's just head to the bum
Aparently we're heading for a growth spurt so in the next few weeks baby should gain lots of inches and weight :) the patterning of the scalp is starting to form although the hair on the head isn't quite growing yet. The toenails are growing on those tiny toes, and the ear bones are formed/forming so the baby is starting to recongnize our voices :)

I honestly still can't belive i'm actually getting a baby out of this like it's still an idea that drew and i are talking about and trying for, not something that's almost halfway here. I still can't feel the baby (i think i immagined it last week) and i only see me getting fat not looking cute preggers. but i guess things will change when i feel them and know if it's a girl or a boy :)
sorry it was so long this week.

1 comment:

  1. Thursday! I'm so late commenting :)
    My mother in law says it kind of does feel like digesting when you feel a baby move! maybe you did :)


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