Friday, September 11, 2009

where i was

you know i feel kind of weird that i was so young, or maybe not even young just stupid. I had no clue what or where the twin towers were. but in seventh grade. i just remember going into orchestra and they had it on tv. all the classes had it on tv. i didn't know it was a terrorist. maybe i was naive but i didn't know what terrorists were! all i knew was that was freaking crazy. 2 planes crashed right into both those towers and then they fell down!

i went home to an empty house (my house was never empty.. i can't remember why no one was there) and just turned it on tv. the words people were saying were a blur. . . but i was drawn to those videos on the news. of the planes hitting, the buildings finally giving way.

my heart went out to everyone back then. and i didn't even fully understand it.

it's like i almost wish i would have been able to grasp the full immensity of it all, so that i could really appreciate the real loss that we went through.

that sounds weird doesn't it?

on another note i forgot to write earlier what happened last week.

you remember those cute kittens? they're sadly gone now. no one knows what really happened.. one morning they were fine and a few hours later they couldn't breathe well and they wouldn't move. no one knew what to do so eventually one of the neighbours went over and.. took care of their pain.

the best guess we have is they got in the pasture and that little brat of a mini horse trampled them. who knows. either way it's a sad ending. we're going to fix Lilly because we can't really take anymore kitten tragedies.

Moe and Kiwi

and God Bless America

1 comment:

  1. I liked reading your take on 9/11. What a day burned into everyone's minds. A surreal day that forever changed America and each of us, too.


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