Saturday, October 10, 2009

Duck Hunting

First. Cute Aspen Pictures are always a MUST
Drew was so cute with her the other day and I got some of the CUTEST pictures of the two of them but in order to show you them I'd have to dedicate another whole blog to her. Although I love her.. maybe one a month of just her pictures :)
I'm so glad I don't have children or they'd get so sick of cameras! I only see Aspen once a week or so ... therefore she's only come to know that aunt Sam is attached to this black box.
oh. and can i just say how attractive boys are when they play with babies.
man I love drew

And Again. one more for the heck of me showing you some of the amazing millions I took.
She's so funny!!!
now on to my real blog.

That's right. I am a duck hunter.

But not really.

Drew has his stamps and I'm not allowed to hold the gun or else I'll get arrested. No i don't really think that's what will happen but it's how i imagine it will all go down.
I did however get to deck myself out in Camo because apparently Ducks are geniuses. (this is all learned information from drew)
  • They can tell you are separate from the background if you wear any colors that do not go along with the .. well background
  • You must not look up when they fly towards/over you. They will see the white of your face and ... they'll see it.. i guess it's bad.
  • The second you see ducks flying anywhere in the vicinity you must drop immediately to the ground (and stay there if you are me and not allowed to hold the gun)
  • You must walk slowly as to not scare them away, yet the swoosh of waders for some reason seems to not be an issue.
Can I Please just say a million times over how gorgeous it was today?? It was a real fall day!
Even though my feet were aching like crazy when we were done I really really enjoyed looking at the scenery.
Yes my husband is part of that gorgeousness.
I know. to all you single people / those who don't like mush it's ick.
You can just hush. I love him and I think he's so hot in his waders.
maybe not sexy. just ha ha hot.
Such a gorgeous day. so so so so so gorgeous

It was a little overcast for a little while but man was it pretty. I loved that I could just take pictures of the outdoors. oh my heavens. it was so pretty!
Can I just mention that drew thinks I'm crazy?
we were walking (i think it was about at the 2 mile mark) and I looked down and saw this HUGE fuzzy Caterpillar! it was black and orange. I knelt down and tried to pick it up with a stick because i sware i heard somewhere before that if they're harry they can be poison.. or something like that. either way I don't know enough to know it was ok to pick it up so i tried to do it with a stick. drew got so far ahead ha ha ha but it was hilarious when he asked why i was on the ground and all i did was make my finger wiggle like a Caterpillar..... yes I'm five..... and i didn't want to scare ducks!

Um.. Drew in his waders again... but I thought he blended in kinda nice. except for the fact that if i were a duck... i would totally be able to see his shirt.

gorgeous Mendon Mountains. and drew walking :)
can I say another thing that makes me sound totally crazy?
there were a million cows in that field by the road we walked to get home.
I mooed at them. quite loudly. and they kinda freaked as i got closer to the part of the field they were in and i caused a mini stampede. mostly mini because all the babies ran and hid behind their mommies so cute.
and hilarious.

Well as hard as we tried there was NOTHING out there. It was quite depressing. But as I said it was gorgeous.
too bad my camera died. and I had to let it rest, turn it on and take a picture real quick as it died again. lame. so i missed cool things
like that Caterpillar.

Man I'm tired. Pretty sure it's my bed time. I mean look how crazy this blog is.
Hopefully it's just hilarious not something that makes you think i should be institutionalized.

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