Saturday, December 5, 2009

Over the Last Month and a little more

Well let's start with halloween Quickly :) I didn't do a whole lot because Drew had work and we have but one vehicle BUT one thing i want to share was the pumpkin I carved. It took me a good 3 or 4 hours from start to finish but it was completely worth all of the stress!

Next wonderful thing that happened was Thanksgiving Day. Now don't underestimate how wonderful all of november was, but I just frankly don't have the time or space to write every funny story...

Drew has been talking about not getting a duck stamp next year because he has been going and going and hasn't been able to get anything! it's been driving him nuts and it's been using up a lot of time where if he had gotten anything it would have been worth it but it's just been him wandering away from me and coming home without anything.
Thanksgiving it finally paid off! Drew got a duck that was crazy awesome! It had teeth on it's bill and everything!! you don't believe me?? click on the picture of it's head close up and you'll see!
Isn't that crazy Cool??
I wasn't happy that drew made me touch a dead bird.... not happy at all. I'm actually not all that happy that he killed a little animal but it's his favorite thing so i'll let him have it :)

I'm ashamed to admit that we did put our christmas tree up before thanksgiving....
But i'm acting like we didn't and putting the pictures after thanksgiving just to make it seem like that never happened.

Our little tree is so cute!! It's our first Christmas as a Married Coupple (and our 3rd Christmas together can you believe that???!!)
Drew has this thing where he wants to get a new ornament every year to represent us.
Since drew works at gossners with the milk that gets delivered we call him the milk man
so what did he get??
none other than a glittery santa milk man.
I think it's adorable
Isn't that Family Sign a Nice touch :)

Now we had Kyle and Angie and Aspen over for Dinner the other night and Drew being a sneak got into his christmas presents and wore this shirt which i love. So here is this picture to one show you my usual aspen picture, and two show you how crazy amazing it is that this shirt brings out his green eyes :)
He's basically the most gorgeous man of all time.
And Last but never ever least is the story of the Aggie Basketball Vs. BYU Game.
I got off  work at 12 and went home and got ready. Drew and I got up to the line at 1 pm. We were able to spend time with some awesome old friends from high school (it turns out that one of my friends from school Curtis and one of Drew's good friends from school, Derrick are cousins! it's a small world after all) So after 6 Hours of waiting in line, and of course watching the line ahead of me get even bigger because some people are just lazy and make their friends wait in line so they can basically screw over everyone else that was waiting hours longer they opened the doors. Now you had to squeeze in through the crowd and i'm so lucky i'm so small because i barely made it in. I lost drew but we decided that we'd rejoin when one of us found good seats. One problem... there were none. everyone was saving or just crammed full. I finally found drew yelling at this group of people saving seats (he was yelling i was crying by this point) and then when we turned around ready to leave out of pure frustration (and complete stupidity) we saw a mirracle... there were 4 seats just open on the 7th row up on the side court. We sat down and had the most amazing game i've ever been to and probably will ever be able to experience :) It was gut wrenching the whole game because of how close it was. You had to scream as loud as possible to even hear yourself cheering, and there was one point it the game where i got so upset that i actually screamed so hard for so long without breath that I grabbed hold of drew and held on for dear life while the sight left my eyes and i blacked out for a good minute or so.
Needless to say it was glorious.
I love Aggie Basketball with all of it's nastyness :)
 and the final Scotsman song :)
You have no clue how loud it actually was in there. and yes. if you think that section is full... there were hundreds of students that were denied because it had reached maximum capacity. i've never seen it so full!

Well happy last month. I promise i'll do better :)

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