Friday, May 27, 2011

As I was doing laundry

so when I do laundry I pile all the clothes on the floor of the laundry room/hallway between the bedrooms and then separate it. 
As I separate them out I say what pile they go in out loud. 
so it went something like this
"dark dark white dark baby baby white white dark"
then all of a sudden I hit twice in a row 
"white white baby
white white baby"
and started singing the dun dun dun dadada dun 
of ice ice baby. 
Yeah my mind just works like that.
I kept going
"white dark baby dark dark dark white"
and then hit 
"baby baby baby---- OOOHHHH"
see laundry can be fun!

1 comment:

  1. You are so adorable! (And that is totally something I would do too) Ha ha.For me, I would sing anything if I could have a washer and dryer. Sigh.


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