Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mommy's Naptime

So a while back I had this tiny cute little baby who loved his mommy. He loved to snuggle and sleep on his mommy. After a few months this little boy became more and more curious about the world around him and while he was an amazing sleeper and never complained when it was bedtime, he would only fall asleep by himself with nothing but his blankie to cuddle. It broke his mommy's heart but she knew he loved her. 

yes. That is my story. 
It is a sad one, but it's true. Both drew and I gasp out loud and stop whoever is talking or whatever is going on in the room to call attention to the fact that our son has put his head on our shoulder if it ever does happen. (which for the most part.. it doesn't. and if it does, it only lasts a grand total of five seconds)

Last week drew and I had to get a babysitter while we ran into town to go to an appointment. We left him with a sweet mom in our church who has some kids of her own who've I've watched so she more or less owed me. 

When drew and I got back she said he hadn't taken a nap but he was happy so we were happy. 
We ran to the store to grab a few things and drove home.

As we were driving into the garage, porter fell asleep and we said "poor thing he JUST fell asleep". Porter opened his eyes as I took the carseat out of the car, and then something happened, they drooped and shut again. 
Ok I know you think I'm crazy to think this is weird, but let me explain something. Porter will fall asleep when instructed to, but given the choice, let's just say his eyes are open if there is something to be seen. 

So I thought a brilliant thought aloud to Drew. "Do you think he'll take a nap ON me if he's THAT tired?" 
"Sure, why not try?" came back my supportive husband.

I gently unlatched him from the seat and lifted him up (he was soooooooooo tired! he barely woke up) and laid him on my chest as I leaned back on the couch. Sure enough he snuggled RIGHT into my chest and snoozed away!!! I was in HEAVEN! 
It was at this point in time that my heart swelled like the grinch hearing the who's singing away. 
The clouds parted and the angels sang.
I almost cried from just the pure bliss of it.

then I took some pictures.

Doesn't the pure glory and love of this picture make you think you could just die right now and be happy?

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! Those sweet moments get fewer and fewer between, which makes them all the more heavenly when they do happen. Cute pictures =)


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