once upon a time I was a pre-baby body
Body gurgles happened and I thought nothing of it.
Then I became a prego body
I discovered the wonderful fun feelings of a baby kicking and bouncing off those enclosed walls.
Then I became a post baby body.
I didn't really have many body gurgles or tummy bubbles
until my baby was 5 months old.
I now get them every once in a while and EVERY time
I freak out, wait for more, then make drew reassure me that I'm not pregnant.
I have to go back and recalculate make sure there's no way I could be prego let alone as far along as to be able to feel a child tap dancing.
I'm not pregnant :)
ps. this picture freaks me out a little... like it's gonna come bursting through.. the muscles should prevent it from being so clear...
I love this picture! Those gurgles you feel are what moms call 'phantom kicks'. I don't feel them, but I hear a lot about other moms feeling them still!