Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How May I Serve You?

I'm one of those eager to please people
I want everyone to like me
when they don't I want to know why and what I can do to make them like me
I think it has something to do with the fact that I see good in most everyone so if they are good, why would they dislike me? I'm good. 
that is unless someone has the skill to actually tick me off which is pretty rare. then I'm not so good
so I see things people write that they don't like and if I do one of those things I think to myself
"should I not do that anymore?"
I seriously need to cut it out.
I mean it's good sometimes if it's actually something that would improve myself
but if it's a silly thing then the only reason they don't like it is because they're grumpy people anyway right?
hey speaking of pleasing people you know what pleases me?
comments :) 
I like to know who likes me 
or my cute family
he's getting too big... so I want to put a brand new picture this time. I'll show you some rad ones later. 
seriously he's magic though. his hair color changed from red to brown to blonde 
he's like tonks I'm just waiting for the bubblegum color
...yeah I'm obsessed with harry potter. got a problem with that? well that won't ever change :)


  1. oh dear sweet cousin who i have never met:

    you're so sweet. and dear. :) am i repeating myself??

    love you.


  2. I'm a huge "people pleaser" least to people I care about. Sometimes it sucks. It's hard to always worry about keeping everyone else in your life happy. But lately I have been less of a "people pleaser". More of a "baby pleaser, regardless of how it inconveniences anybody else" and that is just how its gotta be. CAN"T believe how much hair that little guy had!

  3. Hey just so you know that I like you, i'm commenting! And it is a big deal because I'm terrible at commenting! But I like you and you need to know that! Miss you girlie! Love you!

  4. I like you least enough to be married to you! Ha Ha...and you say I never read the blog...Love you!

  5. Oh sammy you are so cute! I love you and your little family. You have always been a people pleaser. That is a good things but sometimes you cant always be the person that is giving you just have to be the best YOU. thats all you can do. Just be you. Heavenly father wants you the way he made you.
    Love you girl!


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