Tuesday, October 25, 2011

oooh Look! Trippy!

I'm writing. Phew. 
My darling Husband is constantly schooling and then going straight from school to work TAKING THE COMPUTER WITH HIM. 
We have one car and one laptop. 
AND when he is home at the same time as me he usually chooses that time to either do homework or look up how to do a certain thing on his xbox game. 

What have YOU been up to? 
I had the craziest month ever. like seriously ever. 
I went to southern utah to see one of my best friends get married without my baby and without my husband. It was awesome and I'm so happy for her! And shame on me I seriously didn't take one picture. I FORGOT my camera at the temple (which is where the wedding occured and NO you can't take pictures inside but you can outside) and then I also forgot it at the reception. BOOOO I'm horrible.

I got home on Sunday. 

Then I unpacked, and then I washed everything and packed again because on thursday that week Porter and I jumped on a plane and flew to California!!
First Drew and I went mini golfing with his family at this ADORABLE mini golf course up here in logan. 
he's so cute.

This is the punk getting his wiggles out RUNNING around the airport with me in close tow.
Friday we Went to Huntington Beach which was so much fun!! check out these awesome pictures I took. yep I'm awesome.
you know you missed my cockiness.
 This is my PaPa

 My hair is horrid.. but oh well.
and this is my broha Jarom
 I'm seriously going to photoshop out that weird part of my hair
 My dad let porter pick something out of the Harley Davidson Store and he REALLY wanted that cat.
you see the reason I went to california with my family and without my husband Is my Grandparents (father's parents) live in orange county as well as my Aunt and 2 cousins. 
That friday was my Grandma and Grandpa's 50th anniversary and my Dad and Aunt threw them a surprise party.
They had NO IDEA we were there and it was so rewarding. 
she cried and the first thing she actually said was "and Sammie came too!"
I can't tell you how much I love those two seriously I HATE that I live so far away from them.
facebook pictures of the party :Here
I hope that works
Porter was exhausted that day because he had only had a 20 minute nap and we were up forever but he was such a trooper!

Saturday I went and saw a friend who was in california at the same time :)
Alex aka aj whom I've mentioned once before
He had never met porter so that was awesome!

Then we went to an Aquarium at Long Beach which was really fun! I got to touch jellyfish, sharks, stingrays and porter and I touched starfish and anemones!
 I loved that he's old enough to get excited by animals!
 Look at that face!
 this makes me smile, doesn't it make you smile?
 you can't see it but there's a zillion little jellyfish in there and he was just pressed up against that glass trying to see everything!
 touching Starfish
Drew and I had this thing after he showed me forest gump a year or so ago. we wanted to know if it was a real company. it totally is. so I took this picture for him.
Friday afternoon porter bonded with my grandpa. it totally warms my heart because I love that man to death. he makes my heart feel like it's growing every time I think of him so it meant a lot that he spent some time with porter even though he's usually feeling so crummy.

 Also.. this is Star. she's basically a horse. but she's called a dog.
Sunday we went to Chilli's and had to leave to go home :(
but I'd missed Drewby lots. 

 This is Jarom, Jake (cousin) and Auntie Kim
 Jane (cute step-mom) Grandpa and Grandma
Um. who is that girl? oh. me!
you love me! Don't you!?
This makes me laugh so hard!!! she was driving the book/car into his chest and they were both laughing hysterically! 
Bliss in my opinion  
 Look at that face!
He got his own kids meal and ate tons!!! seriously!

 we then came home relaxed, and took daddy to school. meanwhile I got this awesome picture of my long haired son. (should I cut it or let it grow out?)
So now you've survived my insanely long blog post. tell me, did you miss me? 
if so feel free to donate a shiny new laptop to the cause. 

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