Tuesday, November 29, 2011

our silly quotes

Husband is playing skyrim.. if you are a wife of a gamer you KNOW what that is. I am a sort of a nerd so I understand the lingo and we say hilarious things.

 Drewface became a werewolf and said " Screw Edward I'm totally team jacob now"  bahaha he HATES twilight. I don't like it much but I like to see the movies once just to say I did.. I still haven't seen the vampire c-section though... meh, I'll wait until it comes out and rent it.

so last night I finally asked drew about the way he felt during key events of our life. He never talks about his feelings or thoughts which is fine by me but he's just never serious. so it was fun to finally get a straight answer. Like for example-- He thought I was pretty on our wedding day but he said "it was definately not the prettiest you've ever been. You're pretty all the time but some days now you look way better than when we got married" AWW. I laughed and he said" what? you know I don't like your hair up or long" bahaha. well good thing he thinks I'm pretty now!

We're total nerds though. Like today our conversation has included the sentences
him" I look bad-A though look at my armor it looks sweet"
me"woah, look at that you can kill people with your voice"him  "of course I have to speak the language of the dragons"
him"check out my axe! it's freaking sweet"

the other day we said
me"ooh check the troll see what goodies he's carrying"him "it's gonna be just troll fat"me "ugh troll fat is heaaavy"

Drew calls boss's "beastmasters" I call them "big bads"
of course he uses beastmaster for huge things like hammers and swords.... and trucks...

because my husband is so super awesome I"m going to make him a GUEST BLOGGER! aren't you excited?? mm. be prepared to laugh. he's kinda hillarious.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen Skyrim in action yet, but my husband is also a nerd gamer. I just bought him Halo CE Anniversary for Christmas in fact! And last night he spent playing COD modern warfare 3. But I'll admit I'm also a nerd wife because I play COD Black Ops zombies all the time and I love it. I've made it to like level 26 hahahaha


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