That kid. he cracks me up. I tell you about our day but do I tell you what he's doing lately?
He is kinda talking. He says wow,uh oh, oh yyeeeaaahhh, yeah, kinda says no, meh for milk, he also signs a little. I didn't want to do signs.. I don't know why. peer pressure I guess. blah I won't explain that one. but now instead of saying "mamamamamama" when he's hungry or thirsty or want's a specific drink or anything like that he points to his mouth if he's hungry, does the sign for milk and started saying meh instead of mamamama if he want's milk not water. He also does please which is silly. He learned that one as a bit of a fluke. I was mad because he was being all bossy and freaking out if I didn't share my food and I thought to myself "if I don't teach this kid manners He's going to be a class a brat" so I told him to say please which of course he can not say. so I did the sign once as a last resort to my sanity and he just did it from then on. I totally didn't think he'd do it or really wanted him to do it since it looks so silly but now he's polite... if you ask him to be.
He's also manipulating. oh yeah. he does the, throw himself down on the ground and scream for a minute.. pause and look to see if you're watching" then if he catches your eye will do it again.
He's also started to not listen after he started to listen. He now knows the wrath of timeout. Our brown couch is timeout. He can have his blanket and move about the couch length but he may NOT get off the couch. that's punishment enough because once we say he can't do something, you know that's the one thing he wants. Mostly he goes in timeout if he hits the tree or opens the tv stand and pushes buttons in there. I always give him a chance to stop. I start, "come here baby come play here instead" then I move to" porter come here" then " do you want to go to timeout" at that point. he pauses and makes his choice. mostly he stops. but then sometimes he chooses to do it one last time. :) little punk.
he kisses me all the time. He brings me animals and dinosaurs to kiss and then he kisses them and then kisses me. He loves to snuggle now which is such a wonderful change. I mean most of the time he'll come up straddle us, give us a three second snuggle and be on his way. other times he'll climb up on the couch next to us and lay down for a few minutes. He loves books. He hates having them read to him but he'll get a book, straddle me or sit on me and open it up and look at it while sitting on his mommy.
He's also learned that pretending he wants to snuggle is a good way to get close to things he shouldn't have like the diaper wipes which he pulls out of the container. also remotes are a big hit with him.
He also loves to kick his ball around! I don't know how he learned it but he seriously walks back and forth in our living room kicking his ball right along in front of him.
He got a coat a few days ago and he insists upon wearing it at least 1-2 hours out of the day. I went to take this picture of him and clear as day he whined like a teenager "mooooommmm" like the whole "you're embarrassing me" tone. I laughed so hard
he likes to lay his head on our lap or shoulder or the couch and then look up at us with that little smile on his mouth and big smile in his eyes. It's bliss.
that's what it's like to be his mom these days
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