Monday, March 5, 2012

Question for those who have seen an Ob

Now that i've said out loud/typed out loud or whatever the fact that i'm thinking about considering having another baby within the next year.. well getting pregnant within that amount of time, I have a question to those who are going to have a baby/have had a baby. I'm considering leaving my doctor (Who I honestly didn't have a problem with at all) and going with a midwife who is part of the staff at the hospital where my current doctor works. I loved my doctor in every aspect besides the doctor part. She is busy with lots of patients (i told you before when I called last month to try and make an appointment I was told she was busy until october) and she doesn't have a whole lot of time to be with me through the labor process. She's amazing through the pregnancy and she really makes it a goal to deliver the baby which is awesome, for a doctor. My question is, why did you choose who you did to deliver your baby? What did you choose? How was your experience? Do you wish you did anything different? I'm giving you a green light to tell me all about your pregnancy/doctor/delivery which I know everyone loves to tell :) who wouldn't? it was the best day ever cause you got your baby!

so spill people!


  1. Hey spam.. for me it was a no question choice for my ob. He has an entire wall of pictures of babies he's delivered it is like over 3000 babies. I felt safe with him because he's seen pretty much every thing that could ever happen, so I knew that heaven forbid if something went crazy he probably had encountered it before. He made sure there were nurses with me the whole time which was awesome and he even brought us a cute little onsie and came and checked on me at like 3 am to make sure i was ok and he didn't have to do that. I think it really depends on the relationship you have with the person. Trust your mommy instinct you know what's best.

  2. I've been through quite a few OBGYNs...2 women and 2 men. I'm on my last until he retires. I searched long and hard to find someone who would be sensitive to my situation, and one that would want me to be pregnant as much as i want to be pregnant.
    The man i go to now is RENOWNED for his abilities in the delivery room. He is one of very few people who can do certain things. And hes super sweet.

  3. I feel that my care-providers during my pregnancy were basically polar opposites. One was professional, busy, appointments were short. She said what she needed to, what she was supposed to. Nothing more. That was fine. That was what I expected, and I was happy with it until I began seeing my midwives Briana and Cathy. Appointments were not short, and we talked about everything. How my week went, what I was eating, whether I felt tired, How Mike and I were preparing for labor, birth and baby, names, diapering, vaccinations, breast pumps, which pads don't have bad chemicals in them, natural remedies for things. They lent me books to read, as many as I wanted from their little library. They recounted stories from different births they had attended, they encouraged me, they looked at me when I spoke in the eyes, like old friends, and they told me things I know my doctor never would have. I felt safe, nurtured, empowered, excited, happy-the farthest thing from scared. It was a world of difference to me. Like I said, I never disliked my doctor, but I love my midwives, and just the general energy they had towards me during my pregnancy and birth, and the fact that it was never pathological. No one was worrying about what could go wrong unless it did. I feel like There was a general sense of fear (on my part) and much talk of what might go wrong at the appts with my doctor, and a sense of peace with my midwives. The fact is that birth is normal and yeah, things go wrong, but not as often as everyone believes, and when you stop focusing on what could go wrong you feel better and happier, things generally run more smoothly. What's important is that if something does go wrong, you have a plan, and a qualified person that you trust there to deal with it, whether they be a homebirth midwife, a hospital midwife, or a doctor.

  4. Well you know me, I think natural birth and midwifes are awesome!! I want to have a midwife for my next baby if I can find a good one. I recommend you take a birthing class from a lady named Sher Anderson, if you want the info then let me know. :) Bexi

  5. Hey Sam, I had to throw my 2 cents in, especially after my birthing experience with Jake. I wanted to go natural with the first two babies so my first OB was a midwife. Unfortunately, I didn't have that great of an experience with her and truthfully I wasn't really fully prepared to give birth naturally. I didn't know much or even what I wanted. I got another midwife for my second birth but because labor with Chloe was only 50 minutes a Dr from the same clinic delivered instead (Closest doctor on hand!). I loved this last Doctor. Because I wanted to go natural I always thought I should have a midwife but Dr. Kirkman was wonderful. He always chatted with me and answered all my questions, went out of his way to help me in any way. I don't think that you will find everything necessarily that you are looking for in just a mid-wife or a doctor. Personality has a lot to do with things. With Jake I also hired a doula. This was a really scary thing for me too because I didn't know anyone and I didn't want to hire a stranger to help me give birth but I ended up doing it anyway. It turned out to be the best experience I could ask for. She was wonderful. My doula is a certified nurse that works at the hospital and knows all the staff there. She'd come over a talk with me during the pregnancy and she even gave me a foot rub at the end of my pregnancy! (To try and kick start labor) I wanted to go natural so she was in the delivery room, getting blankets, putting scented oils on my hands and face to try and keep me calm. She took pictures for me and helped me breath and relax. Having a doula was the best thing I could possibly do to enhance my labor with Jake and make it happen the way I wanted it to go! Good luck with everything Sam! Love you.


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