Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thank Heavens

Porter is back baby. He's still testing me and throwing some fits but NOT as bad as the last two weeks were. I had one amazing reader that sent me a link that helped clear my head a little and I also realized I wasn't being super clear about porter's behavior. when the fits came, when the demands came, he refused to use the words he uses so constantly otherwise. I am still getting frustrated when he wants a drink and will say juice all day long until for an hour he'll just grunt and whine instead of telling me that's what he wants. I have found myself saying "use your words please and tell me do you want milk or juice?" a whole lot lately. Speaking of using words he's become such a ham!
"porter can I have a kiss?"
"no way"
"porter what's this?" (pointing at belly)
"beebee" (no no no I'm not pregnant, not even trying just so you know)
As he plays soccer/basketball around the house he's always yelling "go Go GO GO GO!!!!!!"
I made a bit of a list of things he can say although it's in no way complete both because he learns something new every day and because some things escape me... But the best part is everything he can say here he says in context. most of the time
  • Cheese
  • Please
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Thank You
  • Go
  • No
  • Way
  • Dog
  • Kitty
  • Baby
  • Bird
  • Bye (that one is clear as day)
  • Tickle
  • Juice
  • Water
  • More
  • Ball
  • Basketball
  • OH!
  • Uh oh
  • Ow
  • Prayer
  • wow
  • Oh no
  • Shoe
  • Tv (I know.. bad parent, but I will say that he really says this mostly because he's begging me to turn it on and I usually shoot him down)
  • PeePee
  • Poop
I'm sure there's a whole lot more, not to mention the fact that he understands almost everything we say! In all reality he's an angel. He's definitely more rough and tumble than a lot of kids but he listens well, he throws his diapers in the garbage after I change him,   He will play with his legos and then clean them up with me when he's done. He insists upon praying before every nap and every meal, and sometimes like tonight he made me pray while we got dinner ready AND before we ate. Honestly its such a wonderful thing because he's reminding me that you can and should pray anytime about anything. We're excited about all sorts of things, like the fits I'm getting the hang of (time out dude) and we've been teaching him about using the bathroom. He's not anywhere near ready to use his own toilet but we've been thinking about getting him one and we've been letting him watch mom and dad use the toilet which sounds totally weird, but he's super curious about it... and we figure he can learn by example?
Drewface has finally made a decision about work which is super comforting, we're going to live off our savings and have him quit once the internship turns into a job, and then he's going to at least be there until the end of the summer having it be his only job so he can give it a fair fighting chance. He loves what he does but he hates the process of some things he has to do. I just love that when things go smoothly he comes home beaming and saying, I was able to help someone and save them money! He just loves it! (so if you want a financial Mechanic planner drew's your guy!!! it's free to meet with him)

I have to brag too though.. I've been so beyond awesome at this wife thing! I've kept the house pretty darn clean, the laundry done, dinner made, and yard work taken care of consistently for months now. I'm hoping that I can always keep up with it but I was not someone who kept house very well. I've learned that this is my job, and drew with his 2 jobs and full time schoolwork does enough so I need to do the only thing I can to ease his burden, and that's to keep the house clean, there's nothing that relaxes him like a clean house. well... front half of the house... I'm still working at having the whole thing clean at the same time...but baby steps right? Also.. I have finished oblivion besides the last stupid scene. the main guy martin keeps dying and I have no clue how to keep him alive... (i like me some video games as a reward for keeping the house clean) so if anyone or their husbands has any idea... let me know?

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