Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Birthday Weekend!

I didn't take many pictures because I was far too busy having fun, But it was nothing but fun! 
It's been almost a whole week in the SLC and it was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered. Friday morning I packed up everything Porter and I needed, and got in the car. Drew drove us down to Odgen and put us on the front runner (it's this awesome train that goes from Odgen to Salt Lake in 45ish minutes for only 5 dollars so heck yes on saving gas money) and kissed us goodbye. The handsome son of mine was so kind to actually sit still and eat his peeled apple slices for most of the trip. We then were picked up by my mother, brother and grandmother. I went to a dear old friend's wedding and got to see some other old friends that are very near and dear to my heart.Mr. Porter D ate lots and lots of Ice cream, strawberries, and clementines. He also was obsessed with this one pole. It was kinda hilarious. 
Later on that night I met up with those friends again to watch Men in Black III and although I'd seen it before I would have done anything to spend time with Rachel, Joey, Daniel and Amber (I kinda adore them).
Saturday was MY BIRTHDAY!! Did you know I have 23 years under my belt? what? did you think i was older? I feel older sometimes. That may have something to do with the fact that my husband is a whole 3 years older than me, or maybe that I got married at 19 and Birthed a child at the ripe old age of 21. I spent the day hanging out with family and saw some friends. I had dinner at a place called Tuccis? and why on earth did no one tell me how amazing that place is!? It was delicious! 
Sunday was peaceful and fun. My dad came and spent some time with me which was so great since I didn't get a chance to see him the day before.  I went to church with my parents and saw the amazing people I grew up with and porter got his first real kiss by suzie. She full on pushed his shoulder back and laid one on his lips :)  I made a stop at my old neighbor's house and got to hug her and see how her family has been (they are amazing and so grown up thanks for asking ;)) I then went to my Grandma's house for the dinner she made for us. My sweet cousin Heather who was born a whole 5 days ahead of me came to spend time with me and my brother Jarom. Heather is a newly announced prego (which made me cry a little since I've always dreamed of having babies with her. she was my maid of Honor at my wedding, and has been one of my great friends in life) and I'm so excited to see her turn into a mother It's going to be such a beautiful sight. 
Monday I went to lunch with Lisa my other amazing friend and discovered Firehouse Subs. Now, we have a firehouse up here but it's pizzeria. Those subs were so awesome! mmm. my mouth is watering just thinking about the Turkey Bacon Ranch! I hung out with my family and then went back with lisa and watched Valentines Day it was probably my favorite night. I was out until 12:30 which to me is so late! Porter was waking up earlier and I was going to bed later so I did get slightly sleep deprived on the trip :). 
Tuesday came and I decided that I should see City Creek (the new mall downtown) and explore. we had so much fun and I got some chocolate covered fruit which is always a huge bonus! It was there that I was reunited with my dear sweet husband. He had made 4 appointments thorough the day and his first 2 canceled so he came down to see me early. Good and bad.. but it made me happy. I swear he looked better than I remembered. 
We went home and put porter baby to bed and then took a nap. we were planning on getting up and playing some xbox together later on and we didn't end up following through with that. Nope. I woke up to comfort Porter d at 2 am. and then waking up again at 8 this morning. 12 hours? we felt so rejuvenated! I'd been so sleep deprived from the last week and he was as well. It was wonderful. 
 I feel like last week was years away and I feel so good and so much better. Hopefully there are more positive things on the way! 

THANK YOU to everyone who spent time with me this weekend! I needed that I needed to get out of my head and just have fun! Thank you to my wonderful family who watched porter and stayed home while he slept so I could go out (I was good I only went out when he was on a nap or asleep for the night. I put him to bed every night and was there when he woke up). 

now I have to clean my house since there's moldy food on the stove and in the garbage :) working husbands don't clean if they don't have time.

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