I'm so totally still alive. Life likes to try and kill me. (not really... but really) I survive.
Nothing really happened to me and lots happened to drew.. aka he had lots of work which he needs the computer for and then I took off and was in a cabin with no electricity and no service for 4 days. So THAT was fun! But really. it was way fun!
I had a family reunion with my Dad(well technically step dad but he's another dad too)'s family.

It was awesome. Drew (that little stink couldn't get off work) dropped me off in roy utah at my aunt's house. She took me to Salt Lake so my mom could pack up her car and then take all of us down to Kanab. yeah.. just google it. we then drove into the desert for 45 minutes and got to our cabins. It was hot. My house is super hot but we have ceiling fans, these cabins, nothin. good ol' fashioned shade baby. lots and lots of fun things including Peacocks roaming the whole area... those things are kinda obnoxious. There was the cutest moment where one was chilling on the balcony and screaming. So I held Porter D. and took him to the sliding door and he was super digging it until it yelled (you know the way they do) and then he shook and gripped me tighter than I knew he could, and for the first time ever burried his face in my shoulder so he couldn't see anything. You know this kid? he loves to see everything, but he was terrified. So I sat on the bed next to the door and he peeked his eyes out and looked at it but then it yelled at him again and he clutched his little fists into balls holding my shirt and then he took my hand, wrapped it around him and covered his eyes with my hand. SO ADORABLE! There was also the crazy thing that happened. Porter went into the kitchen in the main cabin and tried to get liquid out of the big cooler things... (you know the ones that get dumped on coaches when the team wins? those.. what are they called?) and so I thought "hmm easy fix I'll scoot this backwards on the counter so he can't reach". I didn't see the counters above and how low they were.. and I didn't see the 2 liter bottle of 7up on top of the cooler. so the bottle hit the counter and got all sorts of shaken up. I caught it on the way down as it was falling and caught it when it was right in front of my face. Little did I know that the lid was not on... so it basically exploded into my face/eyes (did you kno how bad it hurts to get pop sprayed directly into your eyes? it's bad.) and then up into my hair and down my clothes and then all over porter who was standing next to me and all over the floor. The whole room laughed and then I was laughing but my stupid body was crying a little out of pain and embarrassment.. but I honestly thought it was the funniest thing ever. I loved the whole thing though. and Porter traveled so well! seriously I can't believe how awesome that rambunctious kid did with holding still!
I loved getting to know and re know family I haven't seen in ages. I love them all so much and I'm so grateful that I get to have them as mine :)
I'll be back maybe we'll get super rich in the next few days and I'll get my own computer. I had my own and then it blew up a week later. so drew got his new computer just in time. :)
love you!
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