Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Just in case you didn't know (I can't remember if I posted it before) I have been in a lot of ouchywawa pain for the last 4.5 days. It hurts real bad. While I was on my awesome reunion trip (on sunday) I randomly got a kink in my neck. It wasn't a kink though because I wasn't waking up from a nap when this happened.. it just happened. Basically it's everything that happened to my back In this Post only it's in my neck. What I found out during pregnancy is that one of my vertebrae was floating more than normal and it would occasionally pinch a nerve and send my back into spasms. Those lasted one full day of insane pain and then maybe 2 days of dull aches before it'd disappear. Here in my neck it's different because.. well for one thing I'm not pregnant. Also like I said I'm on day 4.5 and if I don't use icy hot and Aleve I'm a goner. I had a chiropractic appointment anyway on tuesday so I went in and he helped it by doing an adjustment and then they put these shocky electricity things on the two worst spots and that helped. minus the fact that they could only get one spot to work, so that spot worked like a charm and has felt fine it's just the point higher on my neck that still kills. Tomorrow I go back and I'll see if we can get that last part shocked too so it can cure me :) yey. 
It's been super hard to be a good mom so we've been watching tv lots and lots to keep his destructive ways at bay. 

So. What else is up? I'm home in my own bed which is nice. OOOHHH Drew and I watched this movie last night. You have to watch it. Seriously. It's called "Lifted" and it's on Netflix. It's like August Rush, but it's not. I won't lie, I got frustrated with it and almost turned it off for a second there, but It's awesome and worth it. You don't really even know what the point of it is until towards the end, but let me tell you, If you cry easy, you'll sob. My husband..... oh man I swear That man hasn't really ever cried... maybe like 6 times in his whole life? I seriously thought his tear ducts didn't work, BUT EVEN HE CRIED! It's super touching and that kid can SING!
Just go watch it. 
(and if you want to know it is rated pg13 because SPOILER you do see drug use for a second (not really though) and there are 2 bad words (both the n word) so maybe not kids? Don't let it deter you though.. It's cheesy and awesome and I wouldn't recommend something on the internet if I didn't really like it )

They should pay me for that whole 2 paragraphs. 

I need help and advice for reals. 
I'm down to 
Samantha Rae
The Whiteley Way 
for a new blog name/url... Opinions? even if the opinion is that they're both stupid or I need something more spunky like a childhood nickname or something else.. I donno. Just give me some input because YOU are the ones who are going to read it!

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