Yes geeze i'm horible I'm doing this giant catch up post when i really wanted to do something special... I wanted to do a giveaway but I seem to be fresh out of items to.. ahem.. give away?
So let's just take a picture journey and I'll write this huge long post that is awesome, because.. let's face it, my life is kinda awesome sometimes. Especially during the summer!
First things first. I have an almost 2 year old.. geeze seriously? He's on this new kick of two things I need to have him change pronto. The first is he's forgotten how to apply breaks. instead of running up to someone and slowing down so he can make contact without hurting himself or others he's decided he'd rather just... never ever stop. Sometimes it results in him doing a front flip if he hits my knees while I'm on the floor, others it ends up with smooshed broken noses because he really wants a kiss,and other times he knocks me down onto the ground because I'm just not used to getting tackled yet. He does it and it's hilarious until he starts into the second thing I need him to change. He's been whining again. Like lots and lots of it. He'll whine if he doesn't get his way, he'll whine if he wants something and hasn't asked for it yet, he'll whine between the time I make him stop whining and say what he wants and start getting it until the time it's in his hands. He cries easy too lately. He's a good faker. If you don't believe me just ask him to laugh, then ask him to cry ( you can also ask him to sneeze but you have to demonstrate one to jog his memory)
so this, this is him wanting to be on the riding lawnmower with his father. This is a lot of my day lately.
Next? oh that's an easy one. Drew got some Birthday money and he bought a pontoon boat. How the heck do you spell pontoon? It's not popping up on my spellcheck soooo I'm assuming it's correct. Either way we took it to Hyrum Dam and made it float. while It was doing that I saw the scene below and captured it cause it's awesome. Also can I just say that now whenever I see the word Boat I think of Phineas and Ferb? Bo-at. ha. love that doofinshmirtz (fyi that one IS popping up on spellcheck go figure)
Last week we went to a family reunion of my husbands (it's the weirdest thing ever because instead of mingling the different families stay separate and they're actually a little different.. like porter wandered over to someone's blanket in the huge family and they yelled at him to get away... weird) but I LOVE his family you know the ones that were intermingling. They were fun. and played games and Porter has discovered his new lover... Sand! Also I got my hair cut and I thought I'd show off. although I have contacts once again thank heavens!
It's just gorgeous at Bear Lake.
Now that Pontoon boat is much loved by the husband so he went fishing at First Dam (it's totes a logan thing) and Porter and I bought a loaf of bread and fed it to the ducks! OH my gosh! It's so fun! they go crazy and porter was sooooooo excited about it! Except there was one point where he would toss his chunk of bread out and it'd just fall at his feet. Luckily he didn't notice and just thought it threw it extra far. as you can tell from the bottom of the two pictures.
Last but not least on our adventures. Mendon City has a Pioneer weekend (cause you know we're utah and we celebrate pioneers. They are kinda rockin awesome though) and during such weekend there is a parade. The Whiteley Family Hosts a campout and such at their house and then the parade goes down past their front yard. Therefore we have a front row seat. Porter didn't love the parade this year, he gave little wimpy waves and he kept running behind me and holding on for dear life but he DID like to pick up the candy they threw (too bad we had to watch out for the hornets who keep using the dead car in the front yard as a home no matter how many times they've been sprayed) We're such hillbillys some days. Port did however love spending time with his 1st cousin once removed Ethan who is a year older and wiser. see how cute they are! (and how eerily alike they look)
What have YOU been up to?
I can't believe you have a two year old! He's adorable. Also.. cute hair :)