Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What's on my mind for the day?

Today I'm full of thoughts. lots of them. One is that I need to make sure my house gets clean tonight because I get to see my family tomorrow! My papa and his cute wifey are coming to stay and they're bringing EMILY! she's my little sis. Did you know I had one of those? She's technically my step sister but since she lives in Scotland with her dad and only comes to see me once a year. It's a super big bummer that I NEVER see her, but I'm super excited to see her!

I'm also thinking about how adorable my little boy is. I just let him watch sesame street in which he cuddled with me almost through the entire thing. I then took him in his room and played with him while cleaning his room. He's such a helper. He'd pulled out all his shirts so I started folding and making piles of short-sleeve & long-sleeve. He grabbed 3 shirts, wadded them up for a minute, then placed them on my pile. He then grabbed 3 more. When we were done he put his toys away. When we finished making his room look spotless we climbed in our old pink recliner and I sang to him and held him near me. smelling his scent, listening to him hum nonsense notes in an attempt to contribute (he's got a gorgeous voice). We then lay down and get his pj's on which these days means a pair of comfy shorts and no shirt since it's so blasted hot in our house without A/C. We pray, and he climbs in bed and lays his head on his pillow.

Other babies are on my mind. Always. you know what I hate? staring at a negative pregnancy test. You sit there willing a second line to show up and it just never does. Boo. I know there are lots of people who are waiting and waiting for that first positive. I KNOW I'm lucky for having my one. I'm selfish though. I want more. So you know. I want another one! I see those stupid Intermountain Healthcare commercials with all those newborn babies and I cry. So I've been stalking internet boards to live through other people's happiness so that I can dwell on the good not the bad negativeness.

I have a lot of fun family things to do coming up! My Grandma has a timeshare at Snowbird so we're going to go stay there for a day or so, Drew's family is going up to Bear Lake for an Afternoon to actually swim and go in the water, and MY family does a 1/2 week at Bear Lake in august.

Speaking of August It's so weird that Drew won't be going back to school! I've never in my whole life gotten to august and not had to think about school for me or drew... it's super weird! So weird maybe I should go back? naw. not yet.

So Cleaning house? That's about to start. It'll actually go pretty fast today because I've been a KILLER housekeeper lately!

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