Wednesday, August 22, 2012

word vomit?

I have had writers block. mainly because I can only think of one thing to write about (aka how i'm still not pregnant) and I don't want to sound extra whiny... again.
So here's what comes out and maybe this will kick start a whole weekend of Blog posts. 
I've been lazy. I have been a keep the house clean so I can watch tv all day kind of person. I don't love when I get in these little zones... but it's better than nitpicking every twitch or feeling my body has and then recording it according to my cycle day.. ya. I'm that obsessed. 
Lately I jumped on a new show. These are dangerous since if it's an old show I can walk in and out of the room because I know what will happen... new shows require all your attention. and this one...
oooh dear. The first 6 episodes were BOOOORING. but then.. I got sucked in somehow (pun not intended although I laughed when I realized I'd made it.. cause I laugh at my own hilarity) and now I can't stop watching it. There's only 2 seasons on netflix but I was just informed by the internet that season 3 will be available in 6 days. Aren't you so excited world? 

I've also been doing a little bit of this here and there

Because my stomach kinda still does that thing where it folds over the rest of my stomach.. but not like normal fat, mama fat. So I'm not chunky but I'm tired of being able to fold a part of myself over. ew. (or I could just get pregnant so no one- especially me- will care)

Also, we've been busy with a lot of this since it's absolutely the most fun. (sorry it's sideways... don't watch it anyway it may make you motion sick.... but it's absolutely worth getting motion sick for how AWESOME his laughs are :)

He's an awesome person to tickle. His outrageously cute laughs are my crack. 
He's also doing this next week........
who says? I don't know if I can allow it. 
it's not fair!
I hate all the fits and the screaming and the hitting and the meltdowns and the crying even when he gets what he asked for... 
but I DO happen to love the hugs, the many many many deliberate kisses, the voluntary cuddles, the thank yous (he has such good manners) the smiles, the copy cat words and the cuteness!

so I'm sure I'll have to go out in the sun and weed and kill lots of spiders and get this yard ready and presentable for Porter's birthday. I'm also pretty sure you'll at least get one "HOLY COW WHERE DID THE TIME GO" post :)
and there's my word vomit.

1 comment:

  1. I love your little boys laugh!!! Thank you for sharing. I hope you get your big fat positive soon.


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