Monday, March 4, 2013

Dear Banana

I was feeling oh so woozy and hot flashy and dizzy this morning. Thank you for makin me feel really good in just a few minutes. Well... good enough to make Chicken Noodle Soup. Pass my thanks along to chicken noodle soup for making me feel all the way better. Now I can go buy some cute baby things.

love sam

ps. you can thank gwen Stefani for making that song pop in my head every single time I write/type banana.

I need help guys. I want to find CHEAP headbands. I want to have one of those girls that usually has a bow/headband on her head. Help me do it?


  1. There are quite a few places on etsy that do super cute and affordable headbands...i'll ask around my friends with little girls and see where they went. love you.

  2. Make your own! On pinterest you can find tons of DIY, the raw materials are so much cheaper, and you could have porter make some of the flowers (you dont have to use those ones on the headband, you could frame them for a cute gift to his sister or make a mommy bouquet)- Lindsay Kirby

  3. Hobby lobby has cute super cheap head bands :) that's where I got most of mine.


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