Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Favorite Part

I've really reached my favorite part of pregnancy.

This little girl is about as big of a mover as her brother was/still is. She rolls and nudges and kicks and flips. There was one point it felt like she was running in circles like you could do in a circle underwater. I always have wished there was some thing you could hold over your stomach that would let you see straight in. Not like an ultrasound, but legitimately SEE what moves and karate action they're performing in there.

I'm in love with this little girl. She, I'm sure, loves her brother. They're already teamates. I slept at my mom's house last night and porter was in the porta crib in the same room as me. He starts yelling at me to wake up, wakes up the little miss and she kicks while he yells as if it was planned!

I've been really blessed to have not even noticed I'm pregnant for almost whole days. In another way it makes me sad though. I love being pregnant. even when I'm puking like I did with porter, or having huge headaches or dizzy spells with her. It's such a miracle. I don't have to  fight as long or as hard as some, but I have to fight my own long and hard battles to get pregnant. The process consumes me, and it's often a very hurtful process (especially when I am blessed with a baby and then proceed to lose it.)

I want to enjoy every day. I want to look back on every pain with gratitude because it meant I was that much closer to holding my little girl in my arms. I fought for her, I cried for her, I waited for her, and I still can't believe that I was finally blessed with her.

Porter is still hard as most 2.5 year olds are, but he's a complete gem. He's so loving and caring. He's so sweet spirited AND handsome. He's polite and almost always uses his Please and Thank You's. He's so creative and so immaginitive. He loves to be outside in the sunshine. He's the easiest kid in the world to put to bed, and sometimes asks for it. He knows just how funny and cute he is and finds joy in practically everything. He's amazed by the world, he's curious as can be and he's grateful for things that most would just expect out of life.

I have to say you guys, I am just so twitterpated with my life right now. It's not perfect, and I have my fair share of trials, but I'm so aware of all the wonderful blessings I've been given that the hardships are so much easier to bear.

It blows my mind that the world is mostly full of people who search their whole lives to find someone who they can fall in love with and spend the rest of their lives with, to find the one thing that makes them feel happy and sucessful, when I found it at such a young age. I can't imagine what else there is in life besides this. It's who I was meant to be. It's what I was made for.

waking up every morning to this

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